Cadets work on skills in tackling fires

Port Lincoln Country Fire Services cadets. Back: Cadet supervisors Kylie Kleinig, Luke Winther and Jamie Verhoeven, Jye Hearfield, Murphy Winther, Ella Cox, Evan Phillips, Ethan Skipworth-Howell, Robert Peel, cadet supervisors Shane Phillips and Bailey Maitland; middle: Jarrah Barr, Georgia Phillips, Taylor Cresswell, Cooper Knight, Elijah Davies; front: Mace Lukin, Cain Cower, Amelia Giddings, Zeb Hearfield, Oli Stevens and Aiden Waller. PHOTO: LACHLAN SMITH 370218_01

Cadets are gaining important firefighting skills through the Port Lincoln Country Fire Service brigade’s cadet program. The program has been […]

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