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Home Entertainment


Musical feast

It was evening filled with imagination as the students of St Joseph's School put on a spellbinding performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. A...

FAME Awards return to brighten Lincoln

Organisers for Port Lincoln’s annual film competition are calling for entrants as the local answer to the Oscars enters its 11th year. The FAME (Film...

Wicking beds provide cost-effective solution

Wicking garden beds at a local organisation have displayed good results having been installed through SA Water's Community Partnerships program. A water efficiency garden project...

What’s on in Port Lincoln and surrounds

Sew together Cea-side stitches Friday, April 7, meet from 9pm to 12pm in the Coffin Bay Golf Clubroom, quilting, sewing and needle work, all...

Dangerous driving sees woman lose licence

A woman has lost her licence after allegedly driving erratically in Port Lincoln on the weekend. It is alleged the woman was spotted driving a...