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Ride for Sick Kids

PEOPLE came out to support the Ride for Sick Kids with a dinner at the Port Lincoln Hotel on Saturday, November 14 raising money...

Fashion Extravaganza

THE Summer Fashion Extravaganza at the Nautilus Theatre on November 13 showcased clothes from 11 local fashion houses.

Aussie Muscle Car Run

THERE was a lot of activity on the Port Lincoln foreshore on November 13 as the Aussie Muscle Car Run arrived in Port Lincoln...

Ready for fire season

LOWER Eyre Peninsula schools are prepared for the fire danger season with some ready to close when catastrophic conditions are forecast.Department of Education and Child Development...

Big win for shark cage diving industry

TWO Port Lincoln shark cage diving companies are celebrating after winning awards at the 2015 South Australian Tourism Awards in Adelaide on Friday.Adventure Bay...

Local students selected for art show

THREE Port Lincoln High School students have had their artworks selected for the 2016 South Australian Certificate of Education Art Show.Year 12 students Mahalia...

Artistic seats give wharf new life on Tasman Tce

TWO custom made pieces of street furniture have been installed in Port Lincoln’s CBD as part of the council’s Public Art Strategy. The timber bench seats, designed and constructed...

Grant for Lions hostel fire system

THE Port Lincoln Lions received more than $14,000 from the Port Lincoln Community Bank to upgrade the fire safety alarm system at the Lions...

Man charged for false returned soldier claim

A PORT Lincoln man has been charged with falsely representing himself as a returned soldier at a Remembrance Day service last year.Police allege the 24-year-old...

Leon Bignell joins Port Lincoln push

THE #portlincoln campaign, designed to get Port Lincoln trending on social media, can add Tourism Minister Leon Bignell to its long list of supporters.The...

Four arrested after Port Lincoln crime spree

Four people were arrested in a stolen car at Tumby Bay on Sunday following an early morning crime spree. A vehicle was reported acting suspiciously...