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Coastal changes decision is near

A FINAL draft of the Lower Eyre District Council’s coastal development plan amendment (DPA) will be ready for council consideration early next year.Part of the purpose...

Combined churches social

THE Cummins Combined Churches Christmas Social was held on December 2 in the Cummins Uniting Church Hall, organised by the Uniting Church people from Cummins and...

Four locals among more than 900 merit recipients for 2015

FOUR local students are among the 920 students who received at least one Merit for their Stage 2 subjects this year. This is up from...

Year 7s look to future

KIRTON Point Primary School has farewelled another group of Year 7 students who are preparing to take the next step in their lives at...

Good Vibe market

A BIG crowd gathered on Mortlock Street in Tumby Bay on December 6 for the Good Vibe Living Earth Market. The pop up market...

Summer school holiday fun in Lincoln

WEST Coast Youth and Community Support has begun its school holiday program which has been designed to provide more variety this holiday period.Each year...

Dean Lukin statue proposal

A SCULPTURE of Dean Lukin Senior catching a tuna could soon take up a spot on the Port Lincoln foreshore. Port Lincoln Rotary Club member...

5-storey approval

A FIVE-STOREY building at 37-38 Tasman Terrace was given development approval by the Port Lincoln Development Assessment Panel on Monday night. The panel approved Lowe...

Dancers support Syrian crisis

DANCERS and helpers at Odette's School of Dance have donated money to go to those in Syria who need help urgently.  Through donations, the Red Cross...

The wait is over for Year 12 students

STUDENTS across Lower Eyre Peninsula will be joining those around South Australia when they access their results online this morning.This year the release of South...

Flashback to March 2009

This week, we are flashing back 16 years to March 2009 in the Port Lincoln Times archives. Do you recognise anyone you know?

Finals heating up

Great global smiles