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Prawns in time for Christmas

The Spencer Gulf prawn fishery finished its pre-Christmas fishing for this year, last week. The fishery operated for nine nights in November and seven nights in December...

Have your say on the strategic plan

THE Lower Eyre Peninsula District Council has had 200 strategic plan surveys returned in its first two weeks.Chief executive officer Rod Pearson said the response...

New YTAP committee ready for 2016

THE Port Lincoln Young Tradespeople and Professionals (YTAP) group nominated its new leadership team at its annual general meeting recently. New president, Lauren Capper said...

Bluefin industry friend to the sea

The Australian southern bluefin tuna (SBT) fishery and farms were awarded the international sustainability certificate that will ensure consumers know where and how the...

Let’s celebrate our many high achievers

As we near the end of the year it is a good time for some reflection on what has been achieved over the past...

Support to keep 110 zones on highways

THE Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association unanimously supports retaining 110kmh speed zones on the region’s main highways, and wants the the government to justify any changes on council owned roads.Association...

Make road safety the first thing on your list

THERE have been more fatalities on Eyre Peninsula roads this year and leading into Christmas and school holidays, local police are reminding people to...

Schools happy with Yr 12 results

LOWER Eyre Peninsula schools have celebrated the achievements of their Year 12 students after great results were released this week.Nearly 14,600 students received their South...

Lower Eyre Peninsula lights up

THE skies over the Lower Eyre Peninsula lit up on Monday evening as a lightning storm passed over the region.Lightning was seen across the...

Scrace named top citizen

PORT Neill resident Ted Scrace tops the list of recipients for this year’s Australia Day Awards for the Tumby Bay District Council.The council last...

Flashback to March 2009

This week, we are flashing back 16 years to March 2009 in the Port Lincoln Times archives. Do you recognise anyone you know?

Finals heating up

Great global smiles