Port Lincoln Hotel recognised for Bayside

Port Lincoln Hotel's sales and marketing manager Karena Cowley and assistant manager Holley Smith were thrilled to win the award. PHOTO: CHARLOTTE MARTIN 371067_01

Port Lincoln Hotel won a coveted industry award for its Bayside outdoor dining experience.

More than 900 people gathered at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre on Tuesday, October 31, for the 2023 Australian Hotels Association (AHA) SA Hotel Industry Awards for Excellence.

Winner of the Outdoor Or Non-Enclosed Facility – Country award, Bayside is situated on the ground floor of Port Lincoln Hotel.

The hotel’s sales and marketing manager Karena Cowley said winning the prestigious award filled the team with immense pride.

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who played a pivotal role in the success of Bayside; there was an abundance of hard work behind the scenes, and we are profoundly thankful for their contributions,” she said.

“We also want to extend our deepest thanks to our wonderful Port Lincoln community for embracing Bayside and coming out to enjoy cocktails, share lunches with friends, and family dinners.

“This space was designed with our community in mind, and we are thrilled to see everyone enjoying it.”

Bayside was described in the winner’s announcement as boasting a remarkable outdoor dining space overlooking the breathtaking Boston Bay.

The space accommodates up to 160 people at full capacity.

Its landscaping, furniture and captivating decor elements created an atmosphere that compliments the natural beauty of the coastal location, the announcement said.

All South Australian winners will be entered into the AHA National Hotel Awards, to be held in Adelaide on November 27.