Familiar Faces: Simon Turner

Simon Turner of Turner's Oysters.

A proud oyster farmer, Cowell’s Simon Turner knows all about one of Eyre Peninsula’s favourite delicacies. When he is not on the water or in the shed, he is enjoying what the region has to offer.

What is the best thing about working at Turner’s Oyster Farm?

I’m biased of course, without a doubt it is our current team. A close second is that we are a small family business.

What is the best thing about living and working on Eyre Peninsula?

The pristine ocean that surrounds us daily! Living and working here is easy. I have less than 500m to get to work and views of the ocean from home, from our oyster shed, and of course out there in the ‘sea office’.

What three things would you take if you and the family were deserted on an island?

My pillow, a fishing rod, and beer.

Do you prefer summer or winter and why?

Winter – love the cold, especially sitting around a fire!

What is the most unique/interesting procedure you have performed at work?

I’ve been in the job so long I’ve forgotten what others find interesting to be honest. Up to 36 years of farming oysters now. It’s amazing how interesting people find it when I show them how to open an oyster or even just talk about how they are grown. I’ll have to get back to you! There’s been lots of challenges over the years that have kept my interest strong, that’s for sure! Now I think further, a unique task we have to do a few times a year is fitting nearly a million oysters into the back of the ute – which we do! Mind you, the oysters are babies and only 6mm long each, so it is possible. Funny to be driving along and thinking you’ve got nearly a million oysters on board though.

What time does your alarm go off and how does your typical morning unfold?

6.15am to 6.30am on average, if time I’ll make a coffee and get in my trusty 20-plus-year-old Mazda Bravo and drive the 500m to work. By this stage I’ve usually checked the tides – can do from the front yard – or a quick rampy. A typical morning usually is checking in with the team, grading oysters or catching the tide to get the oysters in or out of the ocean. Smoko is usually around 10.30 but each day is different, and tides are forever testing us. Before we know it, it’s the afternoon.

Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Brad Pitt

What is your idea of a perfect weekend on Eyre Peninsula?

Good mates or family getting together for a laugh and a drink with the ocean nearby. Port Neill is a favourite as it’s protected from the prevailing South Easterly winds.

Favourite place to eat on Eyre Peninsula?

Any country pub fare suits me. I’m not fussy and very happy with a chicken parmi with mushroom sauce.

Last movie or show you streamed or saw and was it any good?

‘The Pursuit of Happyness’ starring Will Smith. It was a great movie – an old one – but good life lessons about never losing sight of your dreams even when life feels tough. The bond between father and son through turmoil was very special.

Favourite musician?

My favourite band is Inxs.

If you could do someone else’s job on Eyre Peninsula or Cowell for one day, what would you be doing?

Working behind the bar of a country pub.