24/7 care for your pets

Lincoln Veterinary Centre is offering VetChat and receptionist Caitlin can take your enquiry for more information. Picture: SUPPLIED

Around the clock veterinary care is now available for VetChat subscribers.

VetChat is an online platform that includes telehealth and financial cover for seven common incidents including snake bites, tick paralysis and motor vehicle accidents.

Lincoln Veterinary Centre practice manager Jaimi said the workforce shortage in the veterinary industry had a substantial impact.

“Many of our vets in remote and regional communities are under enormous amounts of stress,” she said.

“We started offering a triage service through VetChat in our clinic nearly 12 months ago, as a way to ensure we can continue supporting our clients and the wider community.

“The service has made a huge difference for our patients, who now have access to 24/7 vet care, and it alleviated a lot of pressure from our clinical team.”

VetChat was founded by Dr Claire Jenkins in 2016 as Australia’s first on-demand vet service.

“During clinic closures at Easter time we saw queues down the street for emergency hospitals. We’re here to help pet owners and clinics avoid this scenario over the summer holidays,” Dr Jenkins said.

“Telehealth is an excellent way for pet parents to receive reliable veterinary care, literally within minutes.

“With VetChat Plus, they can speak with an experienced Australian vet any time of the day or night, from any location, as often as they like.”

Pet owners have the option of purchasing an annual or monthly VetChat Plus subscription per month or per year.

For more information visit vetchat.com.au