Variety Christmas party a hit

Sandra Lukin, Bethany Hodson, Rebecca Pedemonte, Michael Bertram, Deb White, Reinhard Veldhuyzen, Justine Carey, David Ahola, Jos Veldhuyzen, Charmaine Caston, Petra Ahola, Deb Sampson, Michelle Fiegert, Janet Lang, Emma Pedler, Simone Bertram, Greg Palmer and Rachel Lukin at the event. Absent: Tony Lukin. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

The annual Variety Kids Christmas Party was a jingling success at the Port Lincoln Hotel last week, with more than 100 children dashing through the ballroom to dance, sing, get their faces painted and play some fun games.

Variety South Australia Christmas coordinator and long-term Variety basher of the Runaway Brides, Sandra Lukin, said the occasion, held late last month, could not go ahead without the funding of Variety in action.

“Our country kids can miss out on the big city events so I approached them about nine years ago to do a big party here so Eyre Peninsula kids don’t miss out,” she said.

“Over 100 kids plus carers have made it out – this is the most we’ve ever had.

“Santa comes and gives everyone a present, Sheridan the Variety Bear comes out, there’s face painting, balloon making, a photo booth and games.”

Ms Lukin wanted to thank the hotel, Catapult Foundation, Cochrane’s Transport, Drakes, the band and all the volunteers that came and supported on the day.

“Without the volunteers, this day can’t go ahead, so I’m very grateful for their time,” she said.

Last year, Variety supported more than 85,738 kids in South Australia through 179 grants totalling $4.79 million.