Community members were able to see what students and teachers have been up to while enjoying activities at last week’s Port Lincoln Special School open day.
This was the second annual open day for the school and the day went off without a hitch.
There was a bubble show, bake sale, art exhibition, face painting and bike riding on the newly surfaced track – ensuring plenty of fun for all.
Students had clay pottery and craft for sale as part of their studies in business and innovation.
Principal Matt Syme thanked staff member Jarrad Ellis for organising the event after student Leigh Ornsby’s Welcome to Country.
Mr Syme wanted to express the “importance of inclusive play spaces”, and his hopes for the school’s plans for a sensory garden project.
Mr Ellis thanked Suzanna Savage, Don Dickson and all who donated their time and efforts to put the day together.
A sausage sizzle was available upon exiting the art exhibit where framed paintings were displayed around a room splashed with the faces of students printed on their designs.
All money raised went towards the sensory garden project, an expansion on the existing work the school was already doing to develop the inclusivity and engagement capability of the space for its students.