Port Lincoln Probus stalwart honoured

Port Lincoln Ladies Probus president Marie Miller and secretary Leonore Morton presented Valda Glover, centre, with life membership. Picture: SUPPLIED

Valda Glover was honoured with life membership to Port Lincoln Ladies Probus at a recent celebration of Probus.

She was awarded for years of hard work and service to the club, having held numerous positions such as president, secretary and treasurer since joining the committee in 2010.

In addition, she recently accepted the position of Probus ambassador for Eyre Peninsula, which means she will travel to, contact and encourage the various other clubs on the peninsula like in Streaky Bay, Kimba and Cleve.

Probus is a club for retirees to connect socially, have fun, enjoy friendship, take part in a range of activities and listen to interesting speakers.

Port Lincoln holds a monthly general meeting and in addition holds a Happy Chat morning coffee at the Port Lincoln Hotel, plus offers the opportunity to be part of a garden, book and craft club.

Members are able to attend any or all should they wish, and whichever group suits their lifestyle.

New friendships and skills are made and new interests and hobbies explored.