Publicans enjoy day at the races

Devon Weir, Connie Stronach and Gail Watherston. PHOTOS: CHARLOTTE MARTIN

The Carlton & United Breweries (CUB) Publicans Day was hosted at the Port Lincoln Racecourse last week and the Makybe Diva bar was pumping with publicans from across Eyre Peninsula.

Race day on Wednesday, October 25 started with the Great Northern Hotel Benchmark 72 Handicap 1210-metre event, which was taken out by Seeking Glory.

Race two was the Hotel Boston Maiden Pale and top spot went to Gallantey Girl.

While a windy day, punters and publicans came out to brave the chill and the race three Wudinna Hotel Maiden over 1350m was won by Highland Angel.

Dantela won the next race, the Cellarbrations Coffin Bay Benchmark 62 Handicap over 1350m, before Mount Madeira won The Marina Hotel Benchmark 56 Handicap.

The Tumby Bay Hotel race six was won by Looks Like a Lady, while the race seven ‘Become a PLRC Member’ went to My Ocean Warrior.

The day’s last winner was Sea Witness in the Streaky Bay Hotel race.

The next race day will be on Wednesday, November 8 and coinciding with this, the functions room will hold the Port Lincoln Oaks Ladies Day from 12pm.

Head to for more information and tickets.