A second T-rooms drop-in event was held last Friday, with funds raised to support community outreach for St. Thomas Anglican Church.
The event was hosted by parishioners including Nel Taylor, Josie Hage and Marlene Slater, who served soup, cakes, coffee and tea to the public, while Ian Taylor sang and played guitar for visitors out of the op shop building on Oxford Terrace.
The menu of the day was soup and bread for a $5 donation or tea and coffee for a gold coin donation.
Nel and Josie said the menu would change fortnightly, with funds raised going toward supporting and developing further opportunities for community outreach for the church.
New reverend Susan Johnson also attended, introducing herself to some of her congregation.
The event was open for the community to come and have a chat, and Josie said it was a place where people would not feel like they had to move on quickly.
Nel said now that they had leased the op shop to the Salvation Army the group had the opportunity to run these types of events.
The T-Rooms are held on the corner of Adelaide Place next to the Salvation Army Op Shop, every second and fourth Friday of the month from 11am to 2pm.
The church is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm for those who wish to light a candle.