Dignity Bibs well received

Unity Op Shop coordinator Sarah Radford and Gerry Boal hold a number of shirts which will be used to make Dignity Bibs. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

A Port Lincoln lady has been making Dignity Bibs for Matthew Flinders Home residents, after discovering the idea on the internet.

Gerry Boal has made the bibs using secondhand shirts and blouses which have been donated to local charities and organisations.

“I went around to local op shops, Unity Hill, donated a stack of shirts and Community House donated some as well,” she said.

Ms Boal, with the help of a number of ladies from around Port Lincoln, have made 63 Dignity Bibs to date.

“I got the Quilters Guild to come on board and some of those ladies have been sowing some too, and also one lady from Community House got involved,” she said.

“We have turned out 63 all together and hope that it will become an ongoing project because they will wear out.”

The bibs are made by cutting the shirt’s sleeves and back off, so it can be popped over your head to look like a shirt front.

They are lined on the back with towel material to make them thicker.

Ms Boal said the bibs were greatly received by Matthew Flinders Home, as they were a more discrete protector than the old towelling bibs.

“I volunteer at Matthew Flinders and I thought rather than the big towelling bibs that they put on people, that these were a much nicer idea,” she said.

She said she would like the idea to spread to communities around the Eyre Peninsula, and to people who like to sew, as more would need.